performance la casa percorso interiore

Thursday 23 March 2023 at 19:00


Dance performance


conceived and directed by Roberta Mongardi and Silvia Traversi
The meeting is introduced by Elena Di Gioia, delegate for Culture of Bologna and the Metropolitan City


The bodies, the music and the evocative environments of the House interact and relate.
The dancers, in dialogue with the space, give life to a poetic narration with a strong emotional tension.
The movements expand in a fluidity connected to the rhythm of the emotions.

performance la casa percorso interiore


It is with great pleasure that we report what Roberta Mongardi and Silvia Traversi, art directors, wrote to us about the event that took place on March 23, 2023 at CASAMUSEORENZOSAVINI:


This house, with its evocative spaces, has told us and gradually delivered a narrative of strong emotional tension.
An inner journey, an exploration of a space-time universe which, from the very first moment, has seen bodies converse with the surrounding environments. Movements expand in a fluidity connected to the rhythm of emotions.
The reflection of lights reflected between the beautiful mirrors is striking, mirrors in their doubles, what appears and everything that is not visible.. the profound, the lived.
I reflect, I observe myself, but at the same time, so much more than me appears to me.
The journey continues and here are memories of distant times, memories to recall, bonds to recover in the space of a suspended time.. the music turns on up to a state of almost obsessive tension, the bodies contract to the rhythm of the emotions.
Then, everything melts away in a moment of sweetness, balance, peace, openness and love.
And it is precisely from these assumptions that the project of the Renzo Savini House Museum was born, strongly desired by Benedetta Savini, which welcomes all those who wish to have an encounter with culture, art and so much beauty.
Thanks to Benedetta Savini