Historic Houses e Houses of Memory of Illustrious People: new European cultural paradigms

Historic Houses e Houses of Memory of Illustrious People: new European cultural paradigms

Thursday 4 May 2023 at 18:00


House Museums, Houses of Illustrious Persons as new opportunities for visits
Cycle of 3 Conferences


1st meeting:
Historic Houses and Houses of Memory of Illustrious Personalities: new European cultural paradigms


National Association of Houses of Memory
Adriano Rigoli president
Marco Capaccioli vice president


Italian Historic Houses Association
Beatrice Fontaine president of the Emilia Romagna section


Alessandro Candido professor of Cultural Heritage Law
at the University of Milan Bicocca


Moderated by Lavinia Savini, partner lawyer of the FPBLegal firm
(Milan - Trieste - Bologna)
UIA representative at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)


Introduced by Bruno Micolano, lawyer and member of the UIA Board of Paris

CASAMUSEORENZOSAVINI becomes an Art Gallery and exhibits works by contemporary artists

CASAMUSEORENZOSAVINI becomes an Art Gallery and exhibits works by contemporary artists
CASAMUSEORENZOSAVINI becomes an Art Gallery and exhibits works by contemporary artists