Case e studi delle persone illustri dell'Emilia-Romagna

Homes and studios of the illustrious people of Emilia-Romagna
edited by Cristina Ambrosini and Claudia Collina, Bologna University Press, 2022


The volume, edited by Cristina Ambrosini (archaeologist, manager of the Cultural Heritage Sector) and Claudia Collina (art historian, holder of the organizational position Enhancement of cultural heritage), collects the results of the regional census thanks to which, on the territory ranging from Piacenza in Rimini, more than 90 realities have been identified that in more or less hybrid forms represent museum houses, residences, residences, studios and archives of artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers, scientists, inventors, collectors, historical figures and illustrious families, dating back mainly to the last two centuries.
In addition to the texts by Mauro Felicori ("An illustrious region"), Cristina Ambrosini ("Houses, studies and cultural landscapes: development perspectives") and Claudia Collina ("The places of the architects: existence through space and things "), the book contains the contributions of the journalist Vittorio Ferorelli (" And I come to look for you: a journey into the homes of poets, writers and musicians ") and the lawyer Roberto Tommasi (" The discipline of the homes and studies of illustrious people in Emilia-Romagna "). The files edited by Isabella Giacometti and Giuditta Lughi, officials of the Cultural Heritage Sector, describe in detail all the "Places of illustrious people" surveyed, with specific references to the cultural landscapes in which they are inserted.
The summary is concluded by the full text of the Regional Law 10 February 2022, n. 2: "Recognition and enhancement of the homes and studies of exponents of the world of history, culture, arts, politics, science and spirituality of the Emilia-Romagna region, called 'Houses and studios of illustrious people of Emilia- Romagna '".


Case e studi delle persone illustri dell'Emilia-Romagna
Case e studi delle persone illustri dell'Emilia-Romagna
Case e studi delle persone illustri dell'Emilia-Romagna
Case e studi delle persone illustri dell'Emilia-Romagna

Emilia Romagna Region
11 June at 01:00 ·
ߏ Homes and studios of the illustrious people of Emilia-Romagna

A precious collection, a miscellany of high craftsmanship and naturalistic artefacts is housed in the Renzo Savini house museum in Bologna.
In the building, an example of modern architecture on three levels, there is the heterogeneous collection that this cultured man, classically trained, born in 1931 and died in 2018, has carried out throughout his life. These are works of art and antiques, but also of common use, which regenerated in bizarre and refined combinations make up an original Wunderkammer, room of wonders. Renaissance bas-reliefs set in the walls, polychrome wooden sculptures, theatrical scenographies, Baroque nativity statues, terracotta of the Emilian school of the eighteenth century dialogue with each other in a path that reveals the love for art.
The Renzo Savini house museum is described in the volume Houses and studies of illustrious people in Emilia-Romagna edited by the Cultural Heritage sector ER.
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Photo by Luca Baciocchi
inEmiliaRomagna Council of Emilia-Romagna in the world Circolo Emilia-Romagna di San Paolo Emilia Romagna Association in Stuttgart e. V. Terra.mardelplata

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case e studi delle persone illustri dellemiliaromagna

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by Nicoletta Barberini Mengoli

Bolognese artists, treasures and relics in their homes
case e studi delle persone illustri dellemiliaromagna