mario ramous la memoria del futuro un ricordo a 100 anni dalla nascita

Friday 12.13.2024 at 6.30 pm

Mario RamousThe memory of the futureA memory 100 years after birth



Michele Ramous Fabj

Mario Ramous was born in Milan in 1924,
poet (18 volumes to his credit and 3 posthumous), Latinist (19 volumes to his credit), art critic (he wrote some essays: "Giorgio Morandi", "Marino Marini", and over 200 articles, presentations and exhibitions) , Italianist (an essay "La metric", collaborated on Francesco Flora's "Grammatica italiana", wrote various entries in Garzanti's European Encyclopedia, was editorial director of Cappelli for 25 years (various series are owed to him) and university professor.
He died in Bologna in 1999.